It's finally over
Yes...the "nightmare" is finally over. Wait...not exactly Over Over but well...I guess the WORST is over.
I managed to submit 3 tutorials (out of which I copied 1 and 1/4) and I'd been through 3 gruelling tests.
For the past few days I was camping in my room. Literally camping...for the furthest I had ever walked from Tues to Thurs was actually to C blk.
Mon was still QUITE fun cos' Rei drove us to IMM and we had lunch at BK whilst I tried to do my micro tut but to no avail. YES. I stupidly spent one entire day on it and I completed it within 2 hrs last night COPYING. I must be blessed cos' a junior walked past me yesterday and she was on her way to submit the tutorials. I hurriedly zapped them. SO yeah...that's how I managed to meet the deadline.
Starting Tues my life was rather "regular". I'ld TRY to wake up at 6 (by 7 i'll be up), have my breakfast in my room, study, take a short nap mid morning, take my lunch, watch Wan Quan Yu Le at 2:30, Liang Zhu at 4:30, study, have dinner, watch Jie Da Huan Xi at 7pm, followed by Zai Sheng Yuan at 9pm. Opps...noticed I've been watching ALOT of tv...PLUS all the exciting variety shows on Channel 5...and ohh...I'm becoming a Channel U supporter too!
But I must say I've been rather lucky to be able to camp in my room and try and revise. The food my mum packed for me lasted for 3 days! And I still got alot of snacks! Though the curry puff was slightly "off" by the time I ate it..but no...I didn't die...and my neighbours were kind enough to help da bao dinner Thurs night.
The past week wasn't a mid-term break...more like a study week for me.
But it's over it's over!!!
And I didn't go mad...thankfully. I think I'm just slightly deranged by this whole series of mid-terms.
But made me feel ready for the exams already!! Let me have them! Over and done with! So that I can go Europe!!!
Ok...maybe I AM mad. But well...I've been telling almost EVERYBODY that I dun wanna do honours anymore. EVEN if I could qualify! (which is gonna be damn tough) But well...
Yeah...currently the answer is NO! and yeah...dun think I made it for NOC. It's been about 3 weeks and I haven't heard from them at all. It might be a blessing! I can stay in KR and do command with all my friends! And hopefully graduate together with them too! =)