
I am just Me. Am I?

Monday, March 22, 2004

More about my birthday party...

Well well...since it's the first time I've organised a birthday party, think I wanna harp on it more!

10 things I love about my party.

1. All the PINK/redish tops/bottoms my friends were wearing! (No wonder I was in such a good mood, it's PINK therapy!)

2.The BEST "porn" / sensual MTV! (Sure to come in first for Singapore's funniest home video)

3. All the lovely pinky presents, the "surprise" watch and my fav shoes, the sinfully sweet scents from body shop that's all out to make me a walking strawberry! ;P and my "upcoming" fridge!!!

4. My marvellous chocolate cake!

5. All the food!!! (Esp. the junk! after "dieting" for 2's HEAVEN!) My friends all have good taste!

6. The laughter and chatter of all my friends.

7. The MANY MANY hugs and well-wishes I got that night.

8. The warm and fuzzy feeling I get from watching my friends sleep.

9. The happiness of watching the sun rays reflect off the pool just opposite my chalet and feeling like I was loved by so many who "sacrifice" their time just to come and eat food cooked in soup and praising my mum's curry...

10. The smiles I'll get when I look at all my photos again...

Thank you everyone! Thank you! =)


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