
I am just Me. Am I?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Active tear glands

In contrary to Huan, I've been crying so much lately! Touched by the movies, Irritated by my surroundings, the pain I felt for a friend who's loved one has just departed.

She's so brave, she's remarkable. I'm sure she'll come out stronger than ever and things will be alot better for her in future.

In the face of death, my "troubles" seem so trival! My mountaineous readings are probably a mole-hill, my what? And my birthday party! Oh gosh, can't believe I'm actually stressed over that too? Had the weirdest dream that my party turned out really boring...

I'm weird man.

Time to return to my mole-hill...and to leave unhappy things behind.

One does not live forever, life is too short for so much unhappiness, we should be happy and learn to love those around us whilst we can.

To all my friends...



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