
I am just Me. Am I?

Monday, April 12, 2004


I can't help but feel like chiding myself again.

Now i can understand how people can flunk an open book paper. Cos I am.

I read and read and read. Finished the entire textbook and notes! Was all comfortable...until it started.

Open book sucks. There's so much information, I know it's there...So I wanna read through it all, digest it, and then write it down.

But within 2 hours....there's only so much I can do...

So in the midst of flipping..time ticked past.

My brain didn't function like I would want it to...

Hand refused to move faster.

Brain told me to copy a whole LOAD of crap.

Then I WASTED half an hr writing things that were largely irrelevant.

Wrote a statement for a 10 marks essay.

Spent 15 mins on a 20 marks one which I am probably most confident of...



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