
I am just Me. Am I?

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Great party!

Went to twin's 21st bday party last night. It might be the lack of sleep but I STILL feel like i'm on the boat swaying left and right....oohhh...getting giddy already!

I'm not kidding.

HM's bday party took place on board a Chinese junk boat. It's quite a funky karaoke boat with lots of lights! Bwahahaha...many of her friends turned up! But amongst all her friends, the zwxh people were the ones who were really "silly" and could be said to be most "enthusiastic" cos' we put up a small performance for her entertainment. Junk ship Idol!

Though I must admit that the performance was quite flop...but we all had alot of fun! And I sure hope she liked it!

It's be just on the boat, swaying to and fro...trying to walk about without falling...and just feel the breeze in the face.

I like that kind of feeling.

We tried dance to the music after that....there were also disco lights on the funky junk boat! I felt so energetic I thought I didn't dance enough...cos' not that MANY people on e dance floor mah...but still...I had fun laughing and screaming.

But on hind sight...i'm SO worn out and my feet hurts NOW. So I must have overexerted myself last night! was a happy party.

Hope my twin feels blessed.

Cos' she is. =)


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