
I am just Me. Am I?

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Une Affaire de Femmes

Watched this French movie last night. Going to Alliance Francaise at 7pm was rather silly. Well, first I lost my way and ended up at KK. Bwahaha...and well, we ended up listening to a french lecture about the history of French music and laughing at the MTVs. Missed Hossan Leong's performance cos' we were too hungry.

Ate at Newton's Circus. Food's good! But ex nonetheless. Grilled Chicken wing is marvellous and J's face was pretty funny when she found out that her SMALL chicken Murtabak costs her $5!

We were told that the French movie was on adultery. Honestly I imagined a sensuous sort of movie. wrong can i get?

It's a movie set during the WW2 if i'm not wrong. But it wasn't about the war. It was about the life of this woman, who wasn't satisfied with her life, made her fortune performing abortions for women who's husbands were either sent to Germany or for one reason or another, didn't want their babies. think that I was prepared to eat my Bao and have a relaxing half an hr before I knock off.

Got work to do!

Cont. later! ;P


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