
I am just Me. Am I?

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

To cont. the story of the women. Well, besides for abortions, she also lends out rooms to prostitutes to earn rent. Like HY said, she's got business sense. Thus she was rich in "bad" times, started to eat good food, dress up...and...cos' she has no love for her husband, she eventually committed adultery with this REALLY cute crane driver. Bwahaha...yes...crane driver, but with connections, that's why he wasn't sent to war. This women got a little haughty, and at some point of time, seemed so money hungry, she appeared ruthless, despite her angelic face. She hired a maid, to clean the house, perform the abortions (got guilt-stricken somehow cos' someone died), and well...even wanted the maid to sleep with her husband.

The useless husband, on the other hand...had been putting up with all her nonsense cos' she was bringing in the bread, but couldn't take it when he saw her in bed with the lover one night, and set about doing decoupage, came up with a letter to the commissioner revealing his wife's "horrible" deads.

And just because the women lived in those times...when war defeated France needed to "correct" its morals...she was sentenced to death. Just like that. Come on...the judge was like So BIAS. Talking about the "filth" and all.

Some women REALLY had to go through PAIN, all through pregnancy, labour and after birth, the bringing up of children.

Why would there be prostitutes if the MEN didn't have their "needs" to satisfy? In fact, I think prostitutes are a better alternative than nothing! Imagine the increased number of RAPE that might happen without such an avenue! At least these girls are paid for their services and not FORCED.

I was so put off by this whole tragic show...and not like the women was morally upright, but i had to admire her for her courage at times.

Oh yeah...and throughout the show, she had this son whom she called ugly ducking.

He grew up in a quite messed up environment i should say. Saw his mum inject soap water into vaginas, saw his mum flirting around with another man and was bullied by the other kids who mocked at him after his mum was put to death.

Therefore, the moral of the story was, "Do not despise those children whose parents were condemned".

True. There might be so many reasons. Politics for one.

To think that I wanted to go into politics once upon a time.


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