
I am just Me. Am I?

Monday, May 10, 2004

exciting monday

Wasn't prepared to do anything at all....woke up late (about 9?) and felt REALLY sucky cos' my bro and I were actually supposed to wake up like REAL early to make breakfast for mummy.

Set alarm, I think I woke up, switched it off, SMSed my brother whose bed was just like less than 3 meters away from mine to wake up...then lost conscious again. Bwahaha...what a loser.

So obviously, my mummy went off to work without OUR bf. In fact, she woke up late too and had to rush off.

It must be the fact that we were watching Winter Sonata last night. Just completed episode 9, dunno when will I ever complete it?

Then I logged online, FINALLY completed my online resume and sent it proper to a few companies...found out that I was up with ALOT of competition, then I received a sms. An opportunity to teach English at Xiao Zhang's tuition/child-care centre! Lucky I had no plans...I jumped at the chance, was glad to know that I was going to teach Chinese kids (keep thinking that I've an affinity with them) but yet I was quite nervous at the same time.

By the way, I got lost trying to find the place...walked a whole damn lot under the scorching sun. I must be dumb cos' I didn't utilise my umbrella!!!

I sat there watching a lot of kids screaming and running all around me...Boy is it scary.

But my lessons went OK I guess.

2 teenage boys. One 14 another 16. Both from Fujian, proficiency level...can't really judge. Probably less than P1?

1 girl. Gear from Bangkok, Thailand. She's a lot smarter than the girl I used to teach. Think she can handle P3 stuff rather easily.

That's the problem. When I translate for the guys, the girl just get so restless cos' she basically knows the answers and doesn't understand Chinese. Doesn't help that she's super cheeky and very restless. Forever running about and talking non-stop about irrelevant things. But she did tie 2 very nice plaits for me and I kind of like her still. I hope the 2 boys will open up more and be more confident. Seems like they are not very willing to speak.

I's not even confirmed that I'll get the job. I'm having very mixed feelings about this. One hand I feel like I should be earning some income. Yet I know I'll be stressed cos' I really hope that these kids will learn something and make all the money spent worthwhile. They attend a full day school at the centres! Are not enrolled in local schools yet! The girl should do ok...but the boys! I think they need an intensive crash course! Else how can they survive???

I dunno...sigh.

I let them off early when I completed what I was supposed to do. Then went off to Bugis Village to purchase what I wanted to get. Got the skirt after ALOT of deliberation. Forsaked the slippers for the time being, and bought cheese sticks!!! Hhaha...I act like I've got my pay! Sigh...Actually I'll probably spend more than I earn lah...but earn some better than earn none!

Came home, changed out then rushed to the CC to register for was quite fun! I mean...not like really fun fun but I felt good cos' I had a workout but not OVERLY strenuous so I was feeling comfortable. But sigh...I was so much fatter and in some aspects, even more unfit than the aunties there! I'm so can1 kui4!!!

I looked at myself in the mirrors. I've got potential to be a beauty! I'm not ugly at all! Just fat and flabby and totally unfit.



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